Fraulini T shirt

American made, all cotton t-shirt with Fraulini logo by underground cartoonist R. Crumb. $25
Fraulini Sticker

Weatherproof sticker for your guitar case or car bumper. $3.00
Fraulini Poster

Screen printed advertisement for Fraulini guitars done in the style of an old guitar catalog.
The copy is written by Todd Cambio and the artwork is by old time fiddler Jim Burns.
Printed on BFK Reaves heavy weight printmaking paper
"22 1/2" x 15 1/2
In addition to building guitars I also have a large collection of 78 rpm records that were recorded by Italian immigrants in the US. I have made some reissues of some of these historic recordings

Paese Mio Bello- This is a 2 CD collection of Italian recordings from 1911 to 1939. The music ranges from folkloric songs played on the zampogna (Italian bagpipes), friscalettu (cane whistle), mandolin, violin and guitar, to more timely pieces that reflect the immigrant experience and feature great sopranos, tenors, and baritones backed by excellent string bands and orchestrinas. This collection gives a nice taste of the variety of music that Italians played and celebrated to in the early 20th Century. Check out the video for a sample. $25

La Coppia Sciascia-- Pasquale and Clara Sciascia immigrated tot he US from the Abruzzo region of Italy, settling in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. From 1927 to 1933 they recorded 44 songs for the Victor, Columbia and Brunswick record companies. The Sciascias were the first to record a number of Italian and Abruzzese folk songs, 14 of which are reissued here for the first time in 90 years. The songs feature wonderful duet singing and exquisite string band accompaniment. Also included are detailed notes on the couple and their music, and the transcribed and translated lyrics. $15