Mike Seeger
"My Fraulini is all North American – poplar, persimmon, oak, spruce and maple...
It has a loud, punchy tone, well-balanced top-to bottom. It loves fingerpicks all the way up the neck and sounds like some of the guitars on those old 78 rpm discs. Excellent for Frank Hutchison, and also old-time."

Pat Conte
"Many luthiers pride themselves upon guitars with distinctive tone or volume. Where they miss the mark is usually being bent on an ideal tone, for that guitarist who seeks the same. And 12-strings, quite aptly, double the trouble. What makes the Faulini instrument so formidable is the range of tone, made for that artist that demands dynamics equal to his or her own intrepid mastery on whatever level, that ages along at the same or even better pace in keeping up with the evolution of that musician's distinctive style.
"What the hell does that mean?....It means choosing a Fraulini is a formidable task, somehow made easy. My Angelina has every shade of a Stella auditorium or better, vibrates with a gut-pleasing throb, and up the neck barks that punchy, throaty dry slap as good as an old Galiano, fresh out of the box. It waits to bear any costume or role you give it. And every time I see and hear a Fraulini in action, I understand why that musician is making love to the instrument. I drive; it goes to a magical place and definitely another time, for us to get lost in the music."
Paul Geremia
"It sounds more like a Stella than a Stella!"

Mary Flower
"I used to think I could only play old guitars until I had the Angelina in my arms. This new guitar sings like an old soul. We have officially bonded."